DISCLAIMER - The following is a POST MIDNIGHT RAMBLE and may make no sense to most readers. Inconvenience should be regretted, but it isn't.
A very important lesson that my father tried to teach me as I was growing up, even now. Is that Time is always moving.
It seems like a rather obvious statement. If you take the time to look a bit closer, the message become much deeper.
Time is always moving. So you must keep moving with it. To hesitate is to lose time, time you will never get back again.
What I understood from my father was that every moment is precious, and every decision you make is important. Putting something off for later, may give you a moment of joy. However, that's it then - the moment is gone.
While I confess to have tried to not pay attention, the mind is a better listener than one might like to admit. In these moments of clarity, one can realize where certain thoughts have been lifted from. My personal quest to try and make each day well spent is a delicate mixture of my father's philosophy and a line I heard from someone that 'One's day is not complete until they feel that they have used it to it's full'.
I guess that's why I'm writing this post so late. The thought has sparked, it is something that I could delay until tomorrow, however that would deprive me of another task I could do then.
More significant to me however, is how that line has really influenced me. I try my hardest to get the most done each day, now if that involves doing things that I have not been asked to do, is irrelevant, all that matters to me, is ensuring that it's not going to come up sometime later and bite me.
This work ethic is flexible however, as it is completely dependent on a personal sense of prioritization. Because when it comes down to it, assignments can be pushed as late as one can, however work will always come first.
Where do friendships come into play though? Again, it's dependent on the prioritization factor. If as an individual, you are happy going by your day and spending time with those who come up in that day, it is a perfect philosophy. The only thing that matters in all of these things is that one must be happy with their choices.
Even if these choices start off bitter and horrible. You must trust your own judgement, if you made a painful decision, you must have thought it through. There will be pain, there will be wishes to reverse it. To get back lost time/misspent time, however, faith is what will get you to the point where you can stand tall and continue living.
There is no such thing as wasted time in my book, everything happens for a reason. It may not be evident, it may never be, but as the saying goes, "God doesn't play with dice" neither should we. Our decisions are made to improve our lives. If the decision is a bad one, it will teach you for the future. if it is a good one, well then it's a good one! don't expect a pony!
What I'm trying to say, is that, if life takes a turn for the worst, don't despair, don't beg for a do over. There is a greater game at play, if you made a bad decision, life will sort it out. If something is supposed to happen, then it will happen despite your mistake.
A very important lesson that my father tried to teach me as I was growing up, even now. Is that Time is always moving.
It seems like a rather obvious statement. If you take the time to look a bit closer, the message become much deeper.
Time is always moving. So you must keep moving with it. To hesitate is to lose time, time you will never get back again.
What I understood from my father was that every moment is precious, and every decision you make is important. Putting something off for later, may give you a moment of joy. However, that's it then - the moment is gone.
While I confess to have tried to not pay attention, the mind is a better listener than one might like to admit. In these moments of clarity, one can realize where certain thoughts have been lifted from. My personal quest to try and make each day well spent is a delicate mixture of my father's philosophy and a line I heard from someone that 'One's day is not complete until they feel that they have used it to it's full'.
I guess that's why I'm writing this post so late. The thought has sparked, it is something that I could delay until tomorrow, however that would deprive me of another task I could do then.
More significant to me however, is how that line has really influenced me. I try my hardest to get the most done each day, now if that involves doing things that I have not been asked to do, is irrelevant, all that matters to me, is ensuring that it's not going to come up sometime later and bite me.
This work ethic is flexible however, as it is completely dependent on a personal sense of prioritization. Because when it comes down to it, assignments can be pushed as late as one can, however work will always come first.
Where do friendships come into play though? Again, it's dependent on the prioritization factor. If as an individual, you are happy going by your day and spending time with those who come up in that day, it is a perfect philosophy. The only thing that matters in all of these things is that one must be happy with their choices.
Even if these choices start off bitter and horrible. You must trust your own judgement, if you made a painful decision, you must have thought it through. There will be pain, there will be wishes to reverse it. To get back lost time/misspent time, however, faith is what will get you to the point where you can stand tall and continue living.
There is no such thing as wasted time in my book, everything happens for a reason. It may not be evident, it may never be, but as the saying goes, "God doesn't play with dice" neither should we. Our decisions are made to improve our lives. If the decision is a bad one, it will teach you for the future. if it is a good one, well then it's a good one! don't expect a pony!
What I'm trying to say, is that, if life takes a turn for the worst, don't despair, don't beg for a do over. There is a greater game at play, if you made a bad decision, life will sort it out. If something is supposed to happen, then it will happen despite your mistake.