Feb 1, 2011

Clean-up crew

I just want to say that I'm not killing myself. Or some whacked up shit like that...

I was simply trying to say that I was fed up with all the laid-back nature of my life so I was trying to say that:
1- I was 'killing off' all the parts that I was not happy with, the laid back nature and that waiting-for-something-to-happen nature which I have sunk into.
2 - I also want to say that if anyone did think that I had or was planning to kill myself, I’m so so so so sorry I never meant for it to be considered that way and I’m sorry for any emotional trauma you might have suffered. (If you want you can hit me later)
3 - I’m a happy guy and suicide just isn't my thing.
4 - this was not, WAS NOT some sort of plea for attention or some crap like that. I just wanted to get the new thoughts across on something that i can look at later and evaluate my stance.

On another note,
The resurrection note, is simply saying that I am getting back on my feet and doing something productive because as of now, my computer chair has a butt imprint in it, it’s telling me to get off and do something and I’m listening to it.

SO SO SO Sorry for the mix-up...

See you in a bit...

Also, I’m going to really proof-read stuff before I post it so that this kinda stuff doesn’t happen again...

1 comment:

  1. 1. I am going to hit you, just a little.
    2. When you're proofreading, remember, Y-O-U-R is "your", you're is "you are".

    Sorry I couldn't resist :P you can hit me too... just a little.
