Oct 11, 2011

Hello? Is this thing on?


I'm so happy to be able to write on this blog again! College has started and things are going great.

Why haven't I been posting? I'll tell you why. My college is kind of paranoid about websites where you can share content. Perfectly understandable. Unfortunately it includes blogspot, which sucks.

I've written some articles for my school newspaper, which are older post. Check them out and comment please

Then there is the book that I've been working on, it is now, two books. The one I was writing has been stopped so I can write a prologue of short stories to establish the universe and its mythos. An extract will be posted.

Lastly, there is the future. I have (due to the current absence of internet security on the wifi) selected the option to post via email. Thus circumventing the block placed on blogspot!

This is gonna be more fun now! =D

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