Mar 6, 2012

The Geek Log: Entry 1

I don't care if you think I’m a nerd, a Geek or anything of the sort! This game has been in my life longer than most of my friends! (Actually...I think I made one of my best friends playing this game...)

It seems like yesterday that the original game developers Bungie said goodbye and stepped into the great beyond of New IP in 2010. However, we've all seen that with a great idea, corporate can't stop until they've flogged a franchise into a crap product.

Enter Halo 4

Yeah, it's not going to be as good. Just looking at this image I can tell you that the developers have started looking at the looks of other games, mainly Call of Duty.

If you look at the rifle, it's become blockier, more of a manufactured product than the sleek futuristic design that fans had seen over the series. Then you see the optical sights and any gamer would tell you, they've been playing CoD or some other mainstream shooter.

Don't get me wrong, Halo could learn a lot from CoD, but not this. Halo's look is what made it unique.

Then the main subject of the photo, the Master Chief. What have they done to you Chief? They’ve taken your iconic helmet and visor and turned you into what some shitty second rate developer would make... oh wait. 343 industries is making this...

So it is a second rate developer...

According to a recent article, the Creative director quit (sounds like a great game no?) and then there’s another one that says that the game will look to elaborate on the MC's humanity.

Humanity? Are you kidding me? This is a character who has been trained to be a soldier from the age of 6. According to the novels he killed his first human at the age of 14. And you want to elaborate on his 'Humanity'?

The MC was a character who was designed to have a relatively blank slate so that gamers could superimpose themselves on the character to connect better with the game. Expanding the MC's humanity would mean that you can't accidentally kill your allies! Nor would you be able to beat them just like that!

If the MC becomes a humanitarian, then I don't see why he'll stay a soldier, maybe he should start being a diplomat or better yet, a teacher...

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