Feb 20, 2013

Conclusion of Death of the Family

Scott Snyder is a brilliant writer.

Scott Snyder has been the chief writer for the Death of the Family crossover that has happened in Batman over the last few months. Snyder was given the monumental task of bringing the Joker back with an adequate bang and he has... oh he has.

Spoilers Ahead.

Scott Snyder has been receiving a fair amount of flack for his unconventional ending to the crossover.

Credit to him for breaking the mold, he decided to not kill anyone.

He had a number of reasons, and all of them make perfect sense. If one member of the family had died, it would have resulted in the rest of the family actually getting much closer to each other. Snyder also made a very important point and one which applies to the current pages of Superior Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man #700 killed Peter Parker with Doc Ock taking over his body, however, Parker's been brought back to life as a mental projection already) So if Snyder had killed someone, be it the Joker, or a member of the Bat family, it would have only been a matter of time, or until a new writer came on board that the veil would be lifted and the dead would return as they always seem to do in Comics.

Damn Superman for starting that trend.

IGN gave the issue a massive 10 on 10 which is proof enough that it was an amazing issue.The most moving panel for me was however, was the one where the entire Bat-family (minus Bruce) lay holding each other as a true testament to the strength of a family.

While Batman #17 doesn't see the death of any main characters, it instead sees the fragmentation of the ENTIRE Batman Family. The Joker uses the element of suspicion of the others on Batman to drive a firm wedge between the entire Bat-family and Batman.

So it was essentially the death of a family that was really becoming way too close for the Dark Knight. Only thing was that the death wasn't a physical death, just the destruction of a bond between the members of that family which essentially killed the family.

The reappearance of the Joker was absolutely mind blowing, and considering the rotting state of his face at the end of the issue, I'm rather interested to see how he'll return next time.

As for Batman and the Bat-family, I'm looking forward to some guest appearances as Batman needs to now prove to all his allies that he trusts them and that their family is still stronger than the words of a raving lunatic.

Even if that lunatic is right.

P.S. I am so so happy that Batman showed some sort of fatherly actions - When he freed the family, the first person he ran to was Damian. Thank God!

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