Dec 14, 2010

Magic is Might - Movie Review

So I just saw Harry Potter and the deathly hallows again, it gave an opportunity to look further into the themes of the movie

----------------SPOILER ALERT! -----------
Please stop reading, and consider watching Harry Potter 7 or studying your Nazi Germany History!

First of all, I apologise if anyone finds me comparing a children’s book to a genocidical murderer wrong, but the truth is, that it just shows how JK Rowling used history to develop her plots.

The most evident theme to me is the relation that seems to have been made with Voldemort and the Death Eaters to Hitler and his SS.

In the Harry Potter novels, it's brought to light that Voldemort despite being an enforcer of pure blood, is a half blood. This is very similar to Hitler, who believed in his Nazi supremacist theory, of the tall blond haired, blue eyed human when he himself was short, brown haired and brown eyed. This trait was seen in many of the supporters of Hitler, Himmler to name one, just like Snape, a half-blood who hung in the pure blood crowd.

The ideologies supported by both parties are clear. Hitler had his concentration camps and everything else. Voldemort was clear that he wanted the pure-blooded to rule and to force the others (muggles, to an extent Half-bloods) into hiding or into prisons. With the happiness-draining Dementors one can be sure that the prison would have been like a concentration camp.

Next the ministry of magic, the way the ministry is usurped and good old voldie takes control is similar to how Hitler pushed other parties out places of power and made himself leader of Germany. The words Magic Is Might is an indicator to the supremacist ideals of the new ministry, akin to that of Nazi Germany. The same goes for the registration of muggle-born which can be compared to images of Jews having to have bands for identification.

The pamphlets being made in the ministry are the final example I can think of that shows a relation to Nazi's and the Ministry; the booklets are very similar in both design and content as posters seen in Germany.

In the end, I must mention that these comparisons to Nazi Germany are very well executed as it shows the clear dictatorship of the harry potter universe, something which is vital to the seventh book. The dark theme of the movie really show the despair of the universe and the character as compared to all of the other 6 movies, all which had plenty of happy scenes and the thrilling sights of Hogwarts.

Food for thought, no?

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