Dec 19, 2010

Preparation for the Race

As some of you may know, I've started cycling and have really gotten into it, thanks to Vivek Radhakrishnan, for giving me an enthusiastic introduction to it!

I had been looking forward for this race the whole week, the day that I returned from that 50 km ride, I was thinking about the next race. On Friday, I ended my internship, to be honest; one of my reasons was that I really wanted to cycle, to lose weight, and to ensure that I built up endurance for the eventual 200km brevet ride in January 2011.

So to prepare for this I had been promising myself that I’d fix my seat so that I could sit comfortably and race at my true potential. Full of confidence in light of my new found freedom, I decided; let me fix my seat Friday evening itself!

So I went down, and slid out my bike, I started by spraying WD-40 to loosen it up, no luck, so I thought to myself, let me remove the seat!

10 minutes later, the seats removed, and I go to work at it with pliers, wrenches and a hammer. The god-damned pole just would not budge!

Finally, I’m sick of this so I decide, “forget it, better to have my seat than to not have one!” I look down at the pieces of my seat and I realise, ‘Shit! How do I put this back together?’

After much struggling, I succeeded, the seat was back on and I went up to my bed having spent 1 ½ hours with a net result of a big fat 0.

Saturday morning, I kept thinking, let’s go and get more WD-40 (I had finished what was left the previous night) or let me go to the bike shop and get them to fix it.

Saturday came and went, and I just never got down to it, looks like the race just got even harder.

Just imagine climbing up Everest, that’s hard right?

Now remove your clothes and climb, THAT’S Harder!

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