Mar 17, 2011

Time to put on the Big Boy Pants

If you’ve been watching the news recently, you are now a witness of the death sentence of the Libyan uprising and the struggle for life by the people of Japan

Okay, maybe death sentence is a bit too harsh, but the fact remains that the world has become torn between a revolution and a nuclear crisis.

Today, Libyan rebels were forced back to their last stronghold; many of them are upset with the sheer abandonment of them by the west. Some have declared that they are standing and that they are going to fight till the end. The others are packing their bags and heading to the nearest border.

The villain in all of this, as all of us know is Muhammad al-Gaddafi or as I like to call him (thanks to a YouTube channel’s creativity) Evil Carlos Santana.

If you’ve seen the Dark Knight, there is a scene where the Joker and Batman are about to go head to head, Batman is on his bike and the Joker is ambling towards him shouting “Hit me! Come on I want you to hit me! Hit Me! HIT ME!

At this point, Batman slides missing the Joker and hits a wall. It goes on from there but it doesn’t show my point. The point is that Gaddafi, the cocky pig that he is; is goading the ENTIRE world to come and get him for what he’s doing. But nothing is happening

If you look at the news, they have the US by the throat with the fear of not giving them oil; they’re threatening Sarkozy saying that he accepted Libyan funding in his presidential campaign. The most irritating thing though is how arrogant Gaddafi’s son is, he has been announcing to the world how this uprising will be over in 48 hours, how the West won’t make a move at them because at the end, when they win, the US will have to grovel to get oil.

I don’t know about you, but I’d love to have a shot at him and knock him into the stone-age.

10 years ago the world was witness to an unspeakable act of terror, 9/11. The following year, the US declared war on Iraq, with ‘evidence’ of WMD’s and Saddam financing the Taliban. The world objected and cried foul as they washed over the country and toppled his regime as the much publicised ‘Police force of the world’.

 Now a country is fighting amongst itself with one side, screaming for attention from the world, and yet nothing has been done for a month.

That’s right; this has been going on for a month.

Now, 8 days into the talks on the implementation of a no-fly zone, the US has suddenly woken up and said, that a no-fly zone must be implemented and maybe something more...

Wait, am I the only one that sees the US trying to find a way out of Libyan airspace and onto Libyan soil?

Am I the only one that sees the Déjà Vu in all of this?

While this budding conflict brews in the middle-east, another sort of crisis is churning in the Pacific as Japan struggles with the problems of everything post-earthquake related, the biggest problem being naturally the Fukushima power plant, something that could become a huge problem for Japan and all their citizens and eventually the rest of the world.

The contrast is amazing, in one corner you have a civil war as two sides are fighting for their ideals, whether it is for more freedom or keeping what exists intact, it’s a bloody mess. Then there is Japan, a nation that has time and time again taken the world to school when it comes to the working together for the greater good.

What I is completed justified, just look at what has happened in Japan, they got hit by one of the worst ‘quakes in history, most people would panic and riot to get supplies, the Japanese stood in line, not because they wanted too, but because they knew that there are others that are in the same situation as them. They are helping one another in a way we cannot possibly comprehend, the compassion and ideals that the Japanese are demonstrating are down-right spectacular.

And while the world watches the two parallels, a group of rebels fighting a sadistic overlord or a brave group of men who charge into a radioactive power plant to help the nation and the world, we simply sit up while watching it unfold on a screen.

One side fighting for ideals, splitting a nation in two. While the other side fights for their very survival, throwing out ideals and political opinions for that chance at life.

I think it’s time for the world to put on its Big Boy Pants.

Mar 13, 2011

Eviction Notice

Dear Humanity,

This is an eviction notice.

You are hereby instructed to leave the surface of earth at the nearest convenient date or 2050, which ever comes quicker.

Reasons for eviction:
Over-population, Really, you guys are like rabbits 7 billion of them
Violation of person per sq km law - 0.02 sq km per person was not the deal.
Theft - constantly stealing my minerals and metals! How am I going to be healthy?
Noise Pollution - 700000000 voices, all at once is KILLING ME!
Air pollution - OMG, my farts are cleaner than the stuff you make me breath in! 

Mother Earth

PS: keep your kids out of my back yard. Seriously 

I don’t want to be the bringer of bad news, but the worst is yet to come.

As everyone knows, Japan was rocked by a 8.9 earthquake, killing more than a 1000 people and a still rising death-toll as the country’s military conducts rescue operations in the worst places.

The reason why I say that the worst is yet to come isn’t cause of 2012 or some lame cult crap, it’s my personal deduction basis what I have read and researched about.

A few years back I did a project on the 2004 Sumatran earthquake where there was a 9.1, one of the strongest ever unleashed by our planet. The result was catastrophic with hundreds of people getting killed over 100’s of kilometres of coastline as the resulting tsunami hit as many as 6 countries.

The project used sources from National Geographic which detailed how this may be the building ground of a super-volcano, hypothesised to be developing at Yellowstone, USA or Lake Toba in Indonesia.

The earthquakes that have been occurring in the past show some commonality, they’ve all occurred in the ring of fire. Not one, but all of them go online and you’ll see that every single one has been above 8 and in the ring of fire...

Yes, many earthquakes occur there every year. But the thing I’m worried about is not the earthquakes, but the next thing, volcanoes. All this pressure that building up, is going to force its way out of some nook in the earth’s crust.

Man, this is really depressing. The fact that there are earthquakes happening like this is just reminding me of my geography lessons.
1-      Even a low intensity quake can kill 100’s of people in a highly populated area.
2-      The 1967 Koynanagar earthquake was a result of man. That is, we caused it because we sped up the process by having a huge dam on the plate.

With a grand total 7 billion people on this little blue speck, does anyone else believe that these earthquakes are caused by us and being used by the planet to slowly cull some of the earth’s population to a more manageable size? Or is it something more sinister? Like an eviction notice from mother earth?

I might have been rambling and also might have made no sense. But hey, you can’t expect me to be coherently thinking at 4 am. :D

Please post a comment with your views and maybe some articles that give me some info so that I don’t waste your time with BS.

Collision Damage

Yeah, so walking back from work, I noticed that there was a building that was being demolished, and, well... I'll let the picture say the 1000 words...

so the thingy, either hit a key load bearing column or it was just too heavy for it, either way, it collapsed onto the road leading to my office.

I hope the driver was okay.

Funny side of all of this, the workers for this apparently didn't do any work the next day, cause this was still there and there were no workers... :P

--- Connection Reestablished ---

Hi world!

It’s me! Virpratap!

As I said when we last met, I’ve come to a new city, Bombay. I’m currently doing an internship with this crazy awesome film production company called Squirkle (that’s Square + Circle) don’t worry, I didn’t get it at first either. But they do some really amazing work with like 6 people!!!

That being said, I’ve been there for 3 weeks and for the first 2 weeks I was like wow, this is cool, it’s not so hard, I can dabble with the software and experiment with it on my classes graduation video. Then the 3rd week came. I’m still recovering from it... It’s not that it was hard, but man it was challenging, because I thought that the result, even if imperfect would be okay, I’m using the software for the first time and all they’ll cut me some slack...

I’ve had to redo it... Twice

But don’t feel bad or anything like that... all part of the learning, also to properly ensure that when I’m done with this gap year I can go screaming with happiness to college!

Speaking about college, when I got to Bombay, the first thing I did was make an appointment with a professor in Wilson College to enquire about the BMM course (mass Media.) So the date was set and I took a train to go from Bandra to churchgate. Of course genius me, I didn’t realise that you had to buy a ticket, and I was like wow this is awesome, free public transport!

So to summarise the time waiting for the meeting, let’s just say that I sat down and the first thing I was asked is, what your percentage is. And I was like, uh I don’t have one, I did the A-level, and I got a B, C, C, and C.

“Okay, so what is the overall percentage?”
“Um... I don’t know... a 69% I think? I hadn’t converted it (big flipping mistake on hindsight as it makes me seem so unprepared...)”
“Oh, we’ll have to see if we can pull some strings because your grades aren’t that good for our BMM course...”

The discussion when downhill from there... with A LOT of odd moments of silence...

Now that I have figured out that I have to pay for a ticket on a train... I now know how to get around this city. For a new comer or even a person in a new part of the city and you don’t know how to go to some place, just ask, I swear 90% of people will help you, 5% of them will personally ensure that you get onto the bus that you wanted.

The SAT scores came out, not great, but then again, it was really just an attempt to see if I could do it better than the A-Level. Apparently, I do them both the same, slightly above average... :S

The book just hasn’t started... with a day where I’m outta the house by 9 and back (as of this week) by 9, I find myself unable to write, because all I want to do is de-stress...