Mar 13, 2011

--- Connection Reestablished ---

Hi world!

It’s me! Virpratap!

As I said when we last met, I’ve come to a new city, Bombay. I’m currently doing an internship with this crazy awesome film production company called Squirkle (that’s Square + Circle) don’t worry, I didn’t get it at first either. But they do some really amazing work with like 6 people!!!

That being said, I’ve been there for 3 weeks and for the first 2 weeks I was like wow, this is cool, it’s not so hard, I can dabble with the software and experiment with it on my classes graduation video. Then the 3rd week came. I’m still recovering from it... It’s not that it was hard, but man it was challenging, because I thought that the result, even if imperfect would be okay, I’m using the software for the first time and all they’ll cut me some slack...

I’ve had to redo it... Twice

But don’t feel bad or anything like that... all part of the learning, also to properly ensure that when I’m done with this gap year I can go screaming with happiness to college!

Speaking about college, when I got to Bombay, the first thing I did was make an appointment with a professor in Wilson College to enquire about the BMM course (mass Media.) So the date was set and I took a train to go from Bandra to churchgate. Of course genius me, I didn’t realise that you had to buy a ticket, and I was like wow this is awesome, free public transport!

So to summarise the time waiting for the meeting, let’s just say that I sat down and the first thing I was asked is, what your percentage is. And I was like, uh I don’t have one, I did the A-level, and I got a B, C, C, and C.

“Okay, so what is the overall percentage?”
“Um... I don’t know... a 69% I think? I hadn’t converted it (big flipping mistake on hindsight as it makes me seem so unprepared...)”
“Oh, we’ll have to see if we can pull some strings because your grades aren’t that good for our BMM course...”

The discussion when downhill from there... with A LOT of odd moments of silence...

Now that I have figured out that I have to pay for a ticket on a train... I now know how to get around this city. For a new comer or even a person in a new part of the city and you don’t know how to go to some place, just ask, I swear 90% of people will help you, 5% of them will personally ensure that you get onto the bus that you wanted.

The SAT scores came out, not great, but then again, it was really just an attempt to see if I could do it better than the A-Level. Apparently, I do them both the same, slightly above average... :S

The book just hasn’t started... with a day where I’m outta the house by 9 and back (as of this week) by 9, I find myself unable to write, because all I want to do is de-stress...

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