Mar 13, 2011

Eviction Notice

Dear Humanity,

This is an eviction notice.

You are hereby instructed to leave the surface of earth at the nearest convenient date or 2050, which ever comes quicker.

Reasons for eviction:
Over-population, Really, you guys are like rabbits 7 billion of them
Violation of person per sq km law - 0.02 sq km per person was not the deal.
Theft - constantly stealing my minerals and metals! How am I going to be healthy?
Noise Pollution - 700000000 voices, all at once is KILLING ME!
Air pollution - OMG, my farts are cleaner than the stuff you make me breath in! 

Mother Earth

PS: keep your kids out of my back yard. Seriously 

I don’t want to be the bringer of bad news, but the worst is yet to come.

As everyone knows, Japan was rocked by a 8.9 earthquake, killing more than a 1000 people and a still rising death-toll as the country’s military conducts rescue operations in the worst places.

The reason why I say that the worst is yet to come isn’t cause of 2012 or some lame cult crap, it’s my personal deduction basis what I have read and researched about.

A few years back I did a project on the 2004 Sumatran earthquake where there was a 9.1, one of the strongest ever unleashed by our planet. The result was catastrophic with hundreds of people getting killed over 100’s of kilometres of coastline as the resulting tsunami hit as many as 6 countries.

The project used sources from National Geographic which detailed how this may be the building ground of a super-volcano, hypothesised to be developing at Yellowstone, USA or Lake Toba in Indonesia.

The earthquakes that have been occurring in the past show some commonality, they’ve all occurred in the ring of fire. Not one, but all of them go online and you’ll see that every single one has been above 8 and in the ring of fire...

Yes, many earthquakes occur there every year. But the thing I’m worried about is not the earthquakes, but the next thing, volcanoes. All this pressure that building up, is going to force its way out of some nook in the earth’s crust.

Man, this is really depressing. The fact that there are earthquakes happening like this is just reminding me of my geography lessons.
1-      Even a low intensity quake can kill 100’s of people in a highly populated area.
2-      The 1967 Koynanagar earthquake was a result of man. That is, we caused it because we sped up the process by having a huge dam on the plate.

With a grand total 7 billion people on this little blue speck, does anyone else believe that these earthquakes are caused by us and being used by the planet to slowly cull some of the earth’s population to a more manageable size? Or is it something more sinister? Like an eviction notice from mother earth?

I might have been rambling and also might have made no sense. But hey, you can’t expect me to be coherently thinking at 4 am. :D

Please post a comment with your views and maybe some articles that give me some info so that I don’t waste your time with BS.

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