Apr 10, 2011


A trending subject on facebook for my friends and I is that it has been a full year since we officially graduated from school. (Even though we hadn't yet done our final exams o_O)

So, I thought this would be a great time to review the year from my perspective.

To start the list, exams.

I got my mock exam results in the 2nd week of April, the results were not fantastic, in fact, and I have forgotten them completely. It's not that I didn't care; it’s just that I needed to accept the past and move forward. (A very prominent topic for my last year in school). As soon as the exam results came out, I buried myself in studies. I did, really. I had my quirks, like being unable to wake up at 6:30 and study, leading to me falling asleep at the table and subsequently getting a sound thrashing (well deserved, all thing considered). Finally, I got down to work, I wrote essays for economics, studied my definitions, did differentiation and integration like there was no tomorrow and made sure that if I was to edit national Geographic’s the next day I would be able to do a kick ass job.

The month of exams arrived and somewhere along the road of confrontation, in the heat of battle with exams, I blinked.

I blinked and with that one blink, I lost my focus, I don't know if it was overconfidence about some good papers or the fact that I was not pacing myself, leading to my hand cramping up like crazy in the second half of the day. (For those of you who don't know, I tore my right wrists cartilage, in 2007 :/ It still hasn't healed, and it hurts like anything when it is over-exerted).

So, exams finished, general mood about it on my side was happiness, I felt that I had done really well and that I would never have to worry about these subjects.

Immediately, I realised that the vanishing of the problem of exams meant that a new problem would fill the large expanse. This problem was what we do after the exams, as a class.

I suggested that since there were some people who would be finishing before the majority of the class, we should meet for lunch or dinner, the idea was to accommodate the fact that people did have their circle of friends that they wanted to be with post-exams.

The plan was that we would all go our separate way after the exams and then meets for dinner in the evening.

Idle hands are the Devil's playthings

Before the last exam came, the movie Robin Hood spun into theatres; it looked so cool so I immediately told my friends that we should go for that. So naturally, when they were asked "what are you doing after the exams?" the response was "we’re going to see Robin Hood." I asked around, what the plan was and didn’t get much response, and I felt that I had made it clear that I was going for a movie to most people.

So we’re leaving for the movie and all of the sudden, a plan is made, in typical spontaneous fashion, to go to our local dhaba for lunch, as the exam had finished at like 1:30 or so. It’s a guy thing usually, so naturally my friends and I were expected to come. But we had plans, plans that would start in 45 minutes so not enough time to do both. We made a decision and left.

10 minutes into the journey, I get a call from a friend who informs me that the other guys are a little pissed at the fact that they weren’t invited to the movie...

I asked my friend to apologise to them and tell them that they could still make it for the movie, and also that I had no idea that they didn’t know.

Then I began to get calls from the pissed off classmates, which eventually killed my phone by 8:30 in the evening.

The end of exams, wasn’t exactly putting me on my best foot for the year ahead.

You are now leaving the first half.

The above reference is to my father’s 50th birthday weekend.
Yes, I said weekend.

To celebrate his 50th, we planned a huge party in Goa, none the less, and we were going to drive there. By now I was really into making montages and I decided that I would make a video for him, this gave me some creative space by letting me conceptualise the video, get the source material and sneak around my father’s back for something good :P

The video had a lot of interesting things for me, as it was to one song, and the struggle to find a way to start it made me think back to an original concept for my grad video which involved a reboot, switching around a few thing, I made it that after the intro, it would dive into a rewind segment where it would reverse through his life and then hit the play button.

The video was in my opinion, awesome! But on hindsight, yeah the pictures were too fast...

So we were to leave for Goa by road on the 13th, the day that my results were to be coming out, no pressure right? I mean I had done well, I had no need to worry myself. Before we got to the hotel, we stopped on the coast to just check out the waves, etc. Leaving me with 10 minutes to call school.

I did, and I got my results, C, C, C, D. Not the marks I expected at all.

I spent the rest of the day in depression, I mean, how the hell was I supposed to tell my parents? They’ve taken a holiday after so long for something as special as this, no way in hell I was going to ruin it with this nonsense. I decided after much persuasion from others to share that it would be simply more effective to enjoy the weekend and just ruin everyone’s life when we got back, no biggie.

You are about to embark on a journey...

So, I told my dad and mom, they weren’t all that pleased, blah, blah, blah, no one wants to hear about the next 3 months except that I went to Bombay, started studying for my A-levels again in my aunt and uncle’s house. Who are by far the nicest people ever for letting me just work how I wanted to, and coping with all the last minute shit of mine.
I returned more confident than ever to address those pests of  subject’s economics and geography.


I don’t know how interested you were, but I’ve written 1,141 words in one hour and it’s now 4 o’clock and I need to wake up tomorrow so... Until tomorrow, I mean today, ugh, you get the idea...

Mum, really don’t call me and ask me why I’m sleeping at this time. It’s a Sunday.

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