May 4, 2011

What a start to a week

Unless you've been living in a cave for the last 3 days, Osama bin laden is dead (chorus starts with Ding Ding the Witch (or something a bit cruder) is dead!)

Found in Pakistan, Shot in the face, Buried at sea.

Thats the news in brief.

Now it gets interesting with the conspiracy theories, the rapid burial, the hushed up op(kinda necessary given Pakistan's very open intelligence policy :P) Lack of photos and DNA testing ( there was, but we have to take the word of the people who have been chasing the 'ghost' for 10 years so it's certain that they may just be like, you know what, screw it, if its him, YAY! if its not, then he'll be considered a fraud (kinda)

Fact is that after spending loads of cash, lives and turning upside-down 2 countries, the USA can officially say that their hunt for the people responsible is over.

I personally want to watch what happens, the conspiracies, the cover-ups, the holes in the stories...

Sadly, or Joyfully (i'm still confused...) i'm heading off to the north of india (not the extreme north) for a cycling/trekking trip to Jalori Pass for 10 days. so i will be off internet for 10 days!

I'm so sure that i'm gonna do one of those screams where I look at the sky and scream as the camera zooms out to show the dense forest!

Virpratap, Out.

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