May 18, 2011


Hi, it's been a while... thought I would finish this thing off before I start recording my trip to Jalori Pass.

Hello, it’s me again!

So, I left off last at the note of me having gone to Bombay to study for exams again.

Previous Post - Here

So I studied, with tuitions in geography and economics, I was all set to beat the daylights out of the subjects that I had denied me my A's (what! who doesn't want an A, and who says that they didn't try for it)

I came back to my parents who had in my eyes been able to see me work for the last 3 months and were glad to see my conviction towards the exams (in my eyes at least, remember, this is after all my point of view, one which is not always correct *cough* N.D. *cough*)

So, blah, exams, went in, wrote, my face contorted with pain as my wrist started acting up, and I continued writing. One month later, exams are over! Woot! I think the school was sad that I was finally going and never coming back for another exam!!!

(I really don't think anyone wanted me to go into the pain of each exam, am I right? if you do want me to, please leave a comment in the space below stating said fact "I would like to know how your exams went, can you write about it (or something like that)" and I'll write about it, seriously, I will!

Bigger and Better

So exams are over, celebrate!!!

No, that didn't happen, :(

Well it did, but not in the way that some people celebrate. Since the biggest hurdle was over, I now needed to find a new thing to do or sink into obesity and loneliness as I glided through the halls of my home for the rest of the year...

What I did do is go out looking for an internship, and man did I find one!

I managed to get an internship at J Walter Thompson or JWT.

My boss, a guy called Kishore, one of the senior copywriters was a really great guy, (I’m not sucking up) I turned up for an interview for the internship, I sat down, he asked me my name and he pointed me to a desk and told me to get comfortable as he got the computer on said desk running so that I could work.


There I was really able to get into the whole thing of copywrite and what an ad agency looks like, don't get me wrong, but music playing and people running to play foosball was really cool. I felt really shy as the kid intern there, fresh out of school when all the people there were like

“You’ve just finished school, what the hell are you doing here?"

At least that's the jist of it...

I'm under a thingy of confidentiality so I can't write what I did... or can I??? Muhahahaha!

No, I respect the value of a NDA so sorry IP stealers!

Not Without My Bike!

This was the time where I turned 18 (FTW!) and also decided to go cycling with a family friend and near pro in the Bangalore biking scene Vivek.

The first time I met him for the intent of cycling, I got there with my bike and he looked it over, pointing out some things that were wrong, the biggest one being that the seat height was much too low. I was lent a spare bike and we headed off to IISc, it wasn't far, but man, was I unable to keep up with him, it was like the tortoise and the hare, only I knew that if he didn't know me, there is no way he'd stop!

That was the start of the cycling enthusiasm.

And that was the subsequent start of this blog where I have tried to note down aspects of my life and allow people to get an idea of what goes on inside my head behind the barriers.

So here's to more posts!

And more comments!!!

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