Jan 8, 2012

Avkaash - a play that transcends language

The Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts as put by our director, likes to support students in whatever they might be working on as extra-curricular activities.

On the 7th of January, we were able to support one of our own in a play. Avkaash had been presented earlier, so this event was an encore performance which SSLA proudly hosted at the Symbiosis Vishwabhavan Auditorium.

The play is made in Marathi, a language that I personally do not understand at all... well maybe a little bit, but certainly not enough to watch a play!

In the days leading up to the play it was great to see Aditya Joshi, the student who was acting in the play running around all excited about the upcoming event. He came up to me an he said,

"Vir, your coming for the play right?"
"Joshi, I'm not so sure, I mean I won't understand anything!"
"There's a bunch of us that speak Marathi, sit next to them! Oh and also attendance is compulsory."

Looking back now, I'm really having a good laugh, because, I really was pushed against a wall to come for this play. I took to passes with the immediate objective to find a Marathi translator.

Whether through some roll of the dice, the girl who was going to help me understand the play, got stuck in Bombay and wouldn't be attending the play. As I slid into my seat with my camera in hand, I was prepared to be bored for the next 1 hour.

I was so so wrong.

The play was unbelievable, from the script, the casting and the ultimate problem that the play sought to address. The play was about social networking and the problems it can have on a persons psyche. Granted, a story about a 18 year old schizophrenic facebook addict is a little hard to call normal, but the complexity of the story gave it a conclusion that allowed the play to move faster.

The actors were all in their late teens, but that had no impact on their acting skill as people in the audience next to me were in awe of the sheer intensity that all of them had on their face. And to me, that is the biggest problem for an actor, its to get into the role of the character so that the character becomes you. These guys got it down in spades.

Personally, the play at first was hard to understand since I didn't understand Marathi, but through a creative opening sequence I wasn't that confused. The director also ensured that a lot of what happened was understood and derived from their actions rather than their words.

At the end of the day, it was a truly spectacular play and one which I look forward to watching again if I ever have the chance.

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