Jan 9, 2012

I am Sherlocked.

Recently, I have become a slave to a newly popularised phenomenon known as Sherlock Holmes. As some of you know, Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows has come out.

What some of you might not know is of a BBC show, called Sherlock which is creatively re-imagining the mythos of Sherlock Holmes and putting it in Modern London.

Both the film and TV shows are so imaginative and so spectacular in their imagination of the Holmes character that it is impossible to compare the two.

A Game of Shadows, is a must watch, being carried over from the end of 2011, it should really be the first movie that you watch in 2012. Really. No joke. Guy Richie has done a spectacular job in ensuring that the feel of a bad-ass and lovable asshole of a Sherlock is still there while keeping the plot moving. I have to say, that aside from a few witty one liners and scenes in the first half, the second half of the movie is what one will remember forever. The second half of the movie, starts of at a pretty decent level and just flies, it flies and turns the stereotypical boring second half into the most enjoyable hour that can be legally had at the age of 19.

There are a few scenes which are very interestingly and, that being said, creatively done. The first one is the reversal of the fast paced chase sequence into a slow motion detailed depiction of how close each and every character come to facing death. Not many film makers would take the risk of eating up time to expand a 2 minute chase sequence into a 10 minute artistic delight, especially an hour and a half into the movie, but Ritchie does a great job at it.

The next brilliantly written and executed scene is the climax. I will leave it for the reader to watch it, but my god. What. A. Climax. Very eery with little dialogue but the meaning gets conveyed in other ways making it truly spectacular.

On the other hand, there is Sherlock, the creative re-depiction of each Arthur Conan Doyle Book into an hour and a half masterpiece of an episode. Sherlock is much more detached and Watson writes a blog. Characters like Moriarty and Mycroft have much more of a role in the series when compared to the impact they had in the books. It's important to understand that this is not a spin-off of the films as in this show, Holmes doesn't really have the Matrix fight sequences that the film has.

In the end, Sherlock Holmes really seems to be taking a forefront in the entertainment sphere. If you like the sound of the show and the film, be sure to check it out. You won't be disappointed. I guarantee.

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