Dec 29, 2012

The Politics of Innocence

In follow up of the post I wrote yesterday, I woke up to the news that the poor woman who had been raped, died, in a Singapore hospital after more than 10 days of fighting for her life.

While the concerned citizens will grieve and continue their protests for justice, the politicians of India will heave a sigh of relief. Their plan has succeeded.

"Plan?", you might say, "how did it work? They had taken the girl to be saved, and she died, didn't it not work?"

But that's the thing, the government conveniently sent the girl, the entire basis for the protests - the martyr - to another country. What this did, is that it that it disconnected the girl from the cause she has unknowingly created.

The government made the decision to airlift the girl despite her severely critical situation to give her a better medical attention. Personally, I find that doing this, as a government decision, is a declaration that Indian medicine is unable to save a life.

It's really disgraceful.

As I said, the main reason, the unspoken reason, is so that if something went wrong, which did go wrong. The girl was being cared to by foreign doctors, in another nation. Excusing the government from nearly all the blame. Their 'face-value' decision of sending her to a foreign hospital will be criticised, but it will still be labelled as a 'smart-decision'.

It's a shame that this has happened, however, as far as the cause for justice goes, the next few days will be most critical.

People had already labelled the protest as having already hit critical mass, which means with events like Christmas, and now New Years holidays would send people home. With the womans death, Protesters will soon grow disillusioned and pack up for home.

The fact that the girl is dead means that the singular driving force for this protest is now gone.

1 comment:

  1. Well written. However I think that the decision to move her to a hospital in Singapore was indeed a part of a plan - a plan to clear the protests and make the country appear docile to some dignitary was due to arrive. The doctors in India has declared that after her heart attack moving her would be ineffective. Yet the government through it would be the perfect strategic move to shift the attention. This is our country's true shame - how little they value the life of an individual to make a good public show....
