Jan 1, 2013

A Note to You!

Happy New Years To You!

Thank you so very much to all of you who have read something or another on this blog. It really means the world to me to know that people actually have read my writings.

2013 marks a change for me, because as of today, I have gone off facebook and will be devoting that wasted time to other activities. This means that those links that I posted to announce a new entry will no longer exist.

So, I would like to ask a favour of you, dear reader.

Comment, Share and Subscribe!

If you have any thoughts on what I've written, please comment. Nothing is better than listening to others opinions, it is what helps us learn!

If you have liked what you've read, please share it. It helps to expand the group of readers! And it helps me cause I'll get more comments!

If you want to be notified as soon as a new (in most cases, grammatically incorrect,) posts come up, please follow me or RSS Subscribe or bookmark me!

An Asylum can never have too many visitors!

Thank you for 2500 hits in 2 years!

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