Jan 13, 2013

Another Month. Another Rape.

This just in.

India will never change.

Six held in new Indian 'bus rape'

Less than a month has passed since most of India was shocked by the rape of a student in Delhi, people stood and swore this wouldn't happen again, people kept talking about women's rights and laws to punish the guilty, but no one has yet to address where the rapes come from.

Yesterday, during a lecture by renown filmmaker Anand Patwardhan gave us a statistic that every day, 2 Dalit women are raped. Not to mention the other statistics that float around that say that more than 20 women are raped in India every day.

People are applauded by the numbers, by the fact that they've been ignoring such inhuman actions for so long.

But no one is finding a solution.

People should be acting on the fact that the key to slowing the rape rate is by educating people on the value of woman (since they don't value them) and on the fundamentals of human rights. Empathize, make a connection, but do something.

People are taking admirable steps in helping people report and ensure that people are convicted for the rapes. But no one seems to be looking at what can be done to address this issue.

How do you get a rapist to stop raping, without threatening to cut his balls off?

I emphasizes on this, because I read another article that said that South Africa has double the rape rate that India does. And South Africa is now considered to be one of the BRICS countries, clearly, development doesn't measure rapes.

But what really scared me in that article was that the people didn't seem to care. A man made aggressive advances towards a woman and was forced off her, and told that the police was coming. The woman continued to enjoy herself, the clincher was that the man didn't think that what he'd done, attempted rape, was worth getting up and leaving the establishment.

We are progressively getting to a point where unless it actually happens, violently and brutally, to us we will never get out of this phase. This moment of clarity is something that people will just sit waiting for, uninterested in going out there and finding that clarity.

If humanity was a person, we are all giving it the middle-finger every time we see a rape story and it doesn't inspire us to do something.

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