Jan 10, 2013

Why I Wear the 'S'

I have a favourite t-shirt. It's a Superman T-Shirt (I'll confess, it's a Black and Red Superboy T-Shirt, but I consider it a Superman T-Shirt for the blue shirt is wasted on blind superman fans).
Off late, people have said to me, "Again?" "Don't you have any other clothes?" "Are laundry prices that high?" Sadly, not one of them has ever asked me "Why do you wear that shirt so much?"

An Image of the T-Shirt

The one thing I have always loved and respected Superman for, is his belief in Humanity. Superman, as many would know, has the power to change the world into whatever he wants. If he desired no war, he could have it. If he wanted to be supreme ruler, he could do so at a whim.

But he does not, for the simple reason that he believes in the humanity, he admires us for our ability to comeback from the worst of situations - stronger. He has been asked why he does not kill, or end dictatorships. Superman has always said that if he was to overthrow a government, it is not a popular movement - It is his movement. Similarly, he refuses to kill from the perspective that it is unfair for him to cast judgement on others when there is essentially none to cast judgement on him if he is wrong.

Superman Earth One Vol 2 - Really looks into the smaller parts of Superman

I admire that respect for humanity; what humanity can do, what it has done and how it constantly adapts and evolves. The 'S' Shield represents this and I respect Superman for his respect and thus I wear the 'S'.

Superman is often associated with the phrase: Truth, Justice and the American Way. People feel that it is old-fashioned, and American propaganda - I ask you to look into the deeper meaning of these words, and the meanings they could have.

Truth: Superman is at his core, an honest person, he fights for the down trodden, he fights for the truth regardless if it means admitting his mistake. This, in his opinion, makes him human. The ability to say, "I was wrong" is a very human phrase. It reveals a side of fault that might have been non-existent previously.

Justice: Superman is guided by an impeccable sense of moral code, he sees a situation and knows what is right. However, most often than not, (at least in the past) it was a desire to stop conflict and get people to the point of discussion. He has been wrong. He has been misled. But the key that Superman finds is that he listens to both sides to find the answer.
If a villain says "I didn't do it!"
Superman immediately asks, "Who did?"

The American Way: This is by far the most controversial part of the motto, simply from the perspective that it gives the impression of American superiority and all that nonsense. However, it has been made clear that when Superman says this, he is referring to the American spirit of revolution, entrepreneurial action and desire for a 'brighter tomorrow'.

I often will tell people that I hate Superman, but it's honestly from the same perspective that Lex Luthor hates Superman. It's the opinion, that Superman is just too damn good. While Lex seeks to destroy this good, I strive every single day towards being able to be that good. Because, Superman represents an ultimate.

People should believe in the notions of Truth, Justice and, maybe not the 'American Way', but a better tomorrow.
He represents an ultimate in terms of morals, in terms of strength; physical and mental, integrity, honesty, and potential. He isn't even human, and he's a better example of what people should be.

Good. Above All Else, Good.

So, when people (never) ask me why I wear my Superman t-shirt, I tell them, that it represents ideals and dreams that I hope to achieve. The day I can say that I am honest, fair and completely open-minded and have achieved that 'Brighter Tomorrow' then I'll think of just wearing that t-shirt for the awesomeness that it radiates.

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